

Kat Cannon Kat Cannon

Giving Thanks to the One Who Was, Who Is, and Who Is To Come

Often when I’m trying to be grateful for the life I have, I find myself with my eyes to the earth. I look around me and try to name each and every thing I can thank God for, which is everything. It’s a good practice, to be sure, and one that can occupy me for the rest of time. But I’ve got a different approach in mind today, one I hope will fix my eyes on something higher than what I see around me. Instead of focusing on the stuff I’m thankful for, I want to focus on the Someone who gives it all. God is the Giver, and so I’m thinking of framing my gratitude in terms of Who He Is instead of what He’s given. It’s a subtle shift, and not one that’s necessarily better or more holy than any other approach. I just like the idea of keeping my eyes up on Him when I give thanks. So I’m organizing my thankful thoughts in terms of the One who was, who is, and who is to come.

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